Mridu Bhatnagar
Mridu Bhatnagar
1) Home Automation in parts . Inspiration - 2) Anything else that can be achieved using any of the boards available. More input needed.
Your own terminal in Python
Difficulty level (1-10): [5] Estimated time spent (hours): [5] Completed (yes/no): [Yes] I stretched my coding skills (if yes what did you learn?): [1. Breaking down the problem to figure... cc @IpshitaC
**Abstract** A comprehensive talk on possibilities of using python with raspberry pi, microbit, circuit python, etc. Answering the following questions plus everything else that would help a newbie to get...
**Abstract** Provide a brief introduction about the talk. Also list the topics that the talk is going to cover. **Expected Duration** Approximate duration of the talk. **Track** ILUG-D talks are...