
Results 9 comments of mrhut10

i am also keep once this is implimented, also abanded cart would be great as well.

I'm only an js amateur but would loved if I was able to help I'll try get a chance to have a look through.

@bjufre is your Gatsby site with a branch using this library publically accessible? I would be interested to try to replicate this without setting up a project myself to play...

hay @MicahZoltu I've got a branch which is a rewrite which isn't quite ready for a PR yet (haven't actually imported and tested it yet) but i've removed bundling as...

yeah good point on the Babel types I did remove them initially but typescript then complained, I'll retry to remove them > Out of curiosity, why are Babel types still...

> Note: That branch still targets `commonjs`, which means it cannot be used natively still. right, so you'd prefer it targeted es5? rather than supporting both if it was moved...

Never mind, i worked out that it does work but its been typed incorrectly as far as typescript goes. The Problem is that it isn't a HTMLElement as per its...

dont stress not urgent :) and I think i'm 90% on a PR which isn't 100% ready yet. * fixes the type problem mentioned above * changes to a React...

oh just seen you've got a v4 branch as well, what where you hoping to achieve in your v4 version?