Marcin S.

Results 75 comments of Marcin S.

Hmm, I can't reproduce that error on that crate using `cargo-graph`, did you modify Cargo.toml or Cargo.lock locally? What is the full command you are running? But yeah, generally you...

As mentioned in #40, this project is no longer maintained. I recommend using [my fork]( which includes the fix for #40.

You can use [my fork]( instead, which includes the fix for this (as well as for many, *many* other bugs), plus has some new features (plus is actually maintained). ```...

You can use [my fork]( which adds filtering (and fixes a ton of bugs). Unfortunately you have to set the filtered dependencies explicitly, on the other hand that makes it...

[My fork]( fixes this. We should move to that as a community -- not responding to Issues or PRs for over a year is not acceptable.

Looks like the author hasn't been active on GitHub since 2016. If anyone knows of an alternative to this package, please let us know.

Thanks, I found `grip-mode` by @seagle0128 and it works very well.

Looks like the author hasn't been active on GitHub since 2016. If anyone knows of an alternative to this package, please let us know.

Sure, I reproduced it [here]( (last commit `ce814c8`) by adding `BodyString("test").` to line 75.

Thanks for the suggestion. If anyone wants to expand `nimbus` into more themes, feel free to submit PRs or start your own fork with the same colors.