Vlad Lysyy
Vlad Lysyy
Hi, I have been actively using the DSL similar to https://github.com/mrbald/fixglue for all sorts of non-production FIX testing/mocking/wiring. Would you be interested to include it to examples?
### json4s version master ### scala version 2.12 ### jdk version 11 Specifically, JInstantSerializer: ``` case object JInstantSerializer extends CustomSerializer[Instant]( format => ( { case JInt(d) => Instant.ofEpochMilli(d.toLong) case JNull...
The flag added in the PR [184](https://github.com/OpenHFT/Chronicle-Map/pull/184) does not survive close/open. When opening an existing file it uses the default value from the map unmarshaller. I found it quite confusing...
Hi, SUBJ. Filesystem names are `EMDIFastTemplates_1_1.xxx` and the names in the property are `EMDIFastTemplates-1.xxx`. Running on Linux/Clang. Thanks
debian 10, clang
For pretty much any production usage you'd want to redirect all logging into the application log file (not std::cerr). Would be great to have a way to integrate a third...