
Results 10 issues of Mathéo

Currently the wallet doesn't support the old requestLink format used in the safe & in the donation app. The donation app will be updated to generate new requestLink for the...


Since we're using the data as title for the transaction in the transaction list, for consistency it would make sense to also use it for the transaction modal title

On some "large" mobile devices the Modal isn't taking the full width of the screen, but it should always be full-width on mobile.

Low Prio

The "validator details overlay" should be taking the whole screen height in order to display as much information as possible on mobile.


Update the currently used AnimatedLeafIcon to use the correct leafs, and disable the transition for now. (could be replaced by a fade between the SVGs for now, instead of drawing...

The unstaking countdown displayed in the StakingInfoPage should also be displayed in the action bar, on the right of the StakingPreview (could be done in the component itself)

On the StakingInfoPage the validator at the bottom should be similar to a ValidatorListItem and be clickable, which would open the ValidatorDetailsOverlay, as it does in the Validator list (but...

The confirm button on the StakingGraphPage should be disabled until the wallet has established consensus.