Arraymancer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Arraymancer copied to clipboard

A fast, ergonomic and portable tensor library in Nim with a deep learning focus for CPU, GPU and embedded devices via OpenMP, Cuda and OpenCL backends

Results 118 Arraymancer issues
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Currently, no supported OS ships with 0.20 and this message is redundant Users are advised to use choosenim in the first place

This is based on #564. I'll rebase it onto master once that is merged. It's just a few small fixes to the k-d tree module. The `TensorHelper` hacky type is...

Pheew, this was some tedious work. I added the `styles:usages` flag to arraymancer's `nim.cfg` and then went for a hunt for variables / procs etc. that violated our rules of...

Attempt to also test ORC in the CI as well as Nim devel. I run the tests for ORC in release mode to not slow down the full CI too...

``` network TwoLayersNet: layers: fc1: Linear(300, 42) fc2: Linear(42, 300) forward x: x.fc1.relu.fc2 proc load*(ctx: Context[Tensor[float32]], inny : int): TwoLayersNet[float32] = result.fc1.weight = ctx.variable(read_npy[float32](&"model/hiddenweight{inny}.npy"), requires_grad = true) result.fc1.bias = ctx.variable(read_npy[float32](&"model/hiddenbias{inny}.npy"),...

Since `inShape` must be len 3 it should say "- inShape Shape of the expected input tensor in the form of [C_in, H_in, W_in]".

Firstly, I had to modify the arraymancer import to exclude 'softmax' procedure and then include it separately like so: `import arraymancer except softmax` `import arraymancer/nn/activation/softmax` If I don't do this,...

Following the [hint](

![Screenshot]( The items on the right of the toolbar (Tutorial, etc.) are either covered by the GitHub badge (and can't be clicked) or completely off the screen. (Note: I'm using...

This works: ```nim import arraymancer let foo = @[1, 2, 3].to_tensor echo foo ``` This doesn't: ```nim import arraymancer import std/enumerate let foo = @[1, 2, 3].to_tensor echo foo ```...