Mikkel Rath Hansen

Results 7 comments of Mikkel Rath Hansen

Did you resolve this? I’m in the same boat - would also like to exposure temperature readings through homebridge, but no luck so far.

I am not sure what you mean. We are trying to get the state of an input. I managed to use the api to get a long, seemingly general-purpose JSON...

TBH I don't see what's wrong with adding it. The user can customize how he/she wants the week number displayed, isn't that what this watchface is all about? I agree...

@malcolmwhat - did you in fact get RWS to open a catkin_tools workspace? Adding cyclic reference to #28...

Awesome! (Not to bother you more, but I think you should release this as open source so people can contribute. It has a lot of potential for the community, since...

Update on this? This is the primary thing stopping me from using RWS...

Same issue here. Maybe Malcolm in #22 got it working?