
Results 40 comments of mrAceT

> There is a tiny app for WebP support written by @Flow86: > > Would you agree to merge this functionality upstream? This has been written in 2019.. when...

I thought that this sentence might be important "You may also need to install fuse-utils first." But CentOS, nor AlmaLinux has this library?

> Is this using the FTP client? yes > ... your FTP server ... It worked fine with that standard S3 solution?

> If I understand correctly, you're saying there's no issue if using Amazon S3 but using an S3-compatible object store has issues? Exactly > I see you have --debug_s3 as...

@monthonk, Thank you for the suggestion, I'll ask the "object store provider"

(sorry for my third reply ;) Rats, this is what I am looking for! (elevation data below zero) Is there a way I (and maybe others?) can help in completing...

Found the answer to point two ;) (create an account and you can download) do you have a conversion tool? PS: still willing to share and help you to...

I would be willing to share some disk space somehow? Or in other words, would it be possible to crowd source this? I have a test server for my company.....

Seriously interested in accurate elevation data (I feel a new hobby arising ;) With what I read here the elevation data now contains the 90m SRTM data? It would be...