com.starfinanz.smob.Android.sbanking Is missing in the predefined applications..
As you support Slack - is there an integration of mattermost planed too? As I don't want to post problems to external websites...
Please integrate a live preview of the first few seconds in the overview - of videos. this makes recognition of videos easier and is an awesome feature regarding usability!
For People who have used moneyplex, moneypenny quicken etc. there should be an import of .csv transaction lists - that would spread the user base a lot.
To easily share the credentials of the current connected WiFi this one should be moved to the top of the list... And highlighted somehow
would it be possible to pre-configure this service for all users on an terminal server?
Add an Option to read watched Episodes out of an xbmc database... Would be a great Option...
It would be awesome if this tracker would have an option to upload its tracks to a self hosted server like this one: