Matthias Putz
Matthias Putz
Relative links on Windows are restricted to a single volume according to . I make this a new feature requests for the stable branch to create only relative links...
Hey @danregan thanks for the interest and report. Does `cat` work in your terminal? You see the log info "redirecting to cat" and, looking up the failing line of the...
Thank you for the feedback. Could you provide the full trace? If nothing else than the two lines are shown, could you set the env variable "REPO_TRACE" to 1 before...
Thank you for the issue! So in the code we are at the line in the repo file ``` home_dot_repo = os.path.expanduser('~/.repoconfig-esrlabs') ``` , so "expanduser" is not working. The...
Also got some conflict with the `||.` from `Database.Beam`. So either the operators should be named different than in Postgres or (like now) hiding the one from `Database.Beam` and let...
Then for me the question is "where" to put it in code: - put it close (i.e. maybe at the end of) the `pgJsonbABC` things or - keep it in...
After discussion with @cblp , seems to be done already.
These are the patches for `ron` and `hedn` - which were stated in the above `default.nix` as local packages:
@NorfairKing Thanks for the fast reply :) . Just some remarks with low additional content level :D . - At least for me, all packages and binaries built - (Besides...