Michele Schäuble
Michele Schäuble
## I'm submitting a [ ] Bug / Regression [X] Feature Request / Proposal [ ] Question ## I'm using NG Dynamic Forms Version: `X.Y.Z` [ ] Basic UI [...
I wasn't able to serialize a WGS84 point (`Geometries.mkPoint(new G2D(longitude, latitude), CoordinateReferenceSystems.WGS84);`) such that the SQL server database accepted its byte representation to write the result into a geography typed...
I would be nice to have support for text labels as shown on https://material.io/design/assets/1fohUHLBjjut8g3UsgGGHHBV6PBboy8EK/fab-transitions-speeddial-do-labels.png
It seems the project depends on rxjs-compat. It would be nice to get rid of this dependency and change the implementation such that the new rxjs API is used.
If Leaflet.Path.Drag is used with a module system, a packager like webpack cannot resolve the dependencies if this plugin has no support for it. As a result, the plugin cannot...
I'm currently using Greenmail 2.0.1 in JUnit5 tests and I'm not sure whether it's a bug or this is the expected behaviour: When sending a single mail to two different...