
Results 4 issues of mprabhakarece

Hi I am getting above error while trying to install driver to my Jetson Xavier board with Ubuntu 18 OS "cut: /etc/redhat-release: No such file or directory" Kindly do needful

Hi, Using win 11, installed requirements successfully with default video and model Stack trace (most recent call last): #30 Object "", at 00007FFCBCBC54E0, in BaseThreadInitThunk #29 Object "", at 00007FF6AB3C14F4,...

Hi, I am trying to run training code with provided road data provided here but I am getting attached error. Please help me. ![20210407_132734]( Regards, Prabhakar M

Hi, I have downloaded VOCtrainval_11-May-2012 dataset. Is there any pre-process for above data to run code available in this repo. What is the folder format should be provided. Available code...