Michael Pontus
Michael Pontus
I was trying to install Firefox Nightly from [firefox-overlay](https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/blob/master/firefox-overlay.nix) and set it up in my system configuration using home-manager installed as NixOS module: My `configuration.nix` contains following lines: ```nix nixpkgs.overlays...
I'm trying to use crane to build a package dependent on on `polkadot-runtime` which is included in https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/ repo and depends on several packages available in the same workspace. From...
This is an attempt at enabling wasm build when building with `nix build`. It enables wasm target in Rust toolchain using [`fenix.fromTemplateFile`](https://github.com/nix-community/fenix#usage) to create the toolchain from `rust-toolchain.toml` and add...
Hi. I've using cucumber-js to test infrastructure after deployment. Most of the scenarios involve eventually-consistent service, so virtually every step has to be attempted multiple times before it is successful....