Michail Plushnikov
Michail Plushnikov
Hello @dodalovic , do you still have this problem with val? What are your steps to reproduce this behavior? The error text "java: Cannot use 'val' here because initializer expression...
Yes, lombok doesn't support 'records' at the moment
Similar issue #832, possible duplicate
Thank you Nicolas! It would be really great improvement! I already tried to get ReferenceSearcher to work, but has no success and have implemented FindUsageHandler instead.
You are doing a really hard work! Really great! I tried to figure out, why I have implemented LombokLightMethodBuilder#rebuildMethodFromString() method, this is very old code and maybe not nessairy any...
We can also try to ask Anna Kozlova (@akozlova) to help to get it done well. She already mention in https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-179790, that implementation of ReferenceSearch would be a good idea.
What is your expectation, the warning is already present in editor as also showed on your screenshot?
Similar issue #186 Similar issue #144