Matt Ashby

Results 8 issues of Matt Ashby

`osf_ls_files()` appears to be not listing some files in osfr version 0.2.8. The files that are missing are consistent (i.e. if I call the code again the same files are...

The man page for `FASSTER()` in version refers to the `seas()` and `poly()` specials but when they are used a warning is issue warning they are deprecated in favour...

When called via `devtools::check()` or similar, `expect_snapshot_value()` prints the snapshot if it is new or has changed. This is useful for short values, but for longer values it floods the...

Data cleaning is a useful skill to develop, so it would be useful to have a dataset that was messy in several known ways so that users could practice cleaning...


I can't get popups to work on GeoIQ point features using a {braces} type popupTemplate: ``` Leaflet vector layers test var railMarker = L.Icon.extend({options: {iconUrl: "",shadowUrl: null}}); var stamen2 =...

help wanted :heart:

crsuggest version 0.4 now produces the following message: ``` r crsuggest::suggest_crs(sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(0, 0)), crs = "EPSG:4326")) #> The legacy packages maptools, rgdal, and rgeos, underpinning this package #> will retire shortly....

If `knots_to_speed()` is passed a vector of values that include `NA` values, it generates a warning about negative wind speeds even if no negative values are present. This led to...