Manu Pijierro

Results 6 comments of Manu Pijierro

@Xibel thank you for your response and sorry for not expressing myself correctly. Yes, in the image I have left you can see that the buttons appear well. When I...

The result is the same. Nothing seems to be happening. I believe that the content of callback_data is something like the value of the button, to differentiate one from the...

@suadikhasen All my code is in the first post. I have nothing else. In MyCustomCommand there is the keyboard definition and the check if the answer is a call query....

@suadikhasen thanks for your answer. So do I have to create another class to handle the keyboard response? Ok, it makes sense since it is true that pressing the keyboard...

Oh, thank you very much @suadikhasen , it finally works. In my route web.php I have: ``` $telegram = Telegram::commandsHandler(true); if( ! $telegram->hasCommand()){ // ... instance and run query class...

Hi, I have same problem with throw a validation on password field in User model. I have a mutator for that field. This mutator function apply bcrypt function to my...