
Results 69 comments of mpgn

Hello, Can you try to update your requests package: ``` pip3 show requests | grep Version pip3 requests --upgarde pip3 show requests | grep Version ```

You need `requests>=2.4.2` the version you have is very outdated: `2014-01-23`.

Try with a simple command like `touch /tmp/solrpwn.txt`, does it work ?

Why not follow the python poc ?

@pariseed why not a PR ? This issue is still valid and should not be closed

thanks for the report, I will look into it :)

> Increase the upper bound on file descriptors with ulimit That the solution I use. Maybe I should print the error not only in debug mode

Another idea

I will review it, this is a good idea :)

Hello @aress31 is this related to LAPS situation or non domain joined domain ? I'm curious of the use case :)