Michael Petrovich
Michael Petrovich
Hey folks, I'm focusing on different things these days and I need help maintaining this library. If you're interested, please let me know!
I am no longer maintaining this project. Alternatives: - [Storybook](https://storybook.js.org/) - [React Styleguidist](https://react-styleguidist.js.org/)
Currently, component names must be globally unique. Example: _in `components/usa/button.md`:_ ``` --- name: Button category: Components (USA) --- ``` _in `components/ger/button.md`:_ ``` --- name: Button category: Components (GER) --- ```...
In GFM tables, [pipes can be escaped](https://github.github.com/gfm/#example-193). However, this doesn't work in Stylemark: ``` Foo | Bar --- | --- `yes \| no` | bar ``` **Expected:** **Actual:**
Ability to view an example across various responsive presets (eg. mobile, tablet, desktop)
Would be nice to have documentation coverage reporting to see which components are missing coverage. Something like: https://compodoc.github.io/compodoc-demo-todomvc-angular/coverage.html h/t [@robertSPD](https://twitter.com/robertSPD)
If you use an external wildcard example, adding an inline or other external example does not work as expected. For instance, none of these work: ~~~ ```sample:template.html ``` ```sample:files/* ```...
Frustrated by the lack of updates, we built our own Underscore-like functional programming library since none of the tools out there were maintained, easy to use, or well-documented: https://github.com/nextbigsoundinc/dash ```php...