Did you end up getting anything working? What if you try —resolve-image=never at the end of the docker stack deploy command? Also I’m wondering about if ran as a service...
@sidoh I have a use case for this. I have a cool white strip across the top of the garage controlled using a single colour Mi-Light controller. This comes on...
Any update on this? Need to Run MariaDB on a 5x Raspberry Pi 4 Cluster Would I just pull the master from DockerHub ie $docker pull colinmollenhour/mariadb-galera-swarm:10.1.43-2020-01-06
Sorry I didnt reply sooner, been busy with a few different things. I eventually got it to work, I set up another nodered instance inside docker, but set it up...
@mrfaptastic I have done as you asked and flipped the bottom row of tiles so they are all now upside down. I am still getting the same output as the...
Those two defines were from the 'Four_Scan_Panel' example, which I copied the entire source into PlatformIO before adding in the relevant parts from the 'ChainedPanels' example. I have read the...
Yes, absolutely makes sense to me. Let me know if I can do anything to assist in any way! Drop us your Paypal if you want and I will drop...
I have come back to this project after some months away, I still can't find a solution to this problem. The library code seems to be printing to pixels that...