Results 17 issues of moznion

### Describe the feature Currently, it seems there are no features to override the DynamoDB table name, like an equivalent to the V1 SDK's [DynamoDBMapperConfig.Builder#withTableNameOverride()]( and [DynamoDBMapperConfig.TableNameOverride.withTableNamePrefix()]( . This feature...


Hello, At the moment, this plugin makes a git tag as annotated mode (with `-a` option). Some tools can't recognize the annotated tags certainly ― for example, [release-drafter/release-drafter#615] (but...

If this command is applied for the empty struct, it raises the following error on code generating. ``` 2022/08/21 13:34:03 [error] failed to generate code: [GOWRTR-13] code formatter raises error:...


example: ```go //go:generate gonstructor --type=Foo --constructorTypes=allArgs type Foo struct { Type string } ``` It outputs like the following error when it consumes the above structure: ``` 2021/07/26 23:44:37 [error]...



Due to the python 3.6 EOL on the Lambda on July 18, 2022. see also:

Hello, Duration of `KeepAlive()` is hard-coded so we cannot change that. Accordingly, I added a new function `KeepAliveBy(sec time.Duration)` to configure duration. Related: #12

このアプリケーションではユーザー画像のサイズ・容量に制限が無いため,故意・過失問わずにユーザーが巨大な画像を指定するとそれがそのまま受け入れられてしまいます. この画像は各clientで表示するために,各clientがそれぞれダウンロードされることになると思いますが,そうなると巨大ファイルのダウンロードを意図していないクライアントに強制することとなるので危険そうです.何らかの条件を設けるのはいかがでしょうか.

Currently, the Play framework has three implementations of HttpEntity: `Strict`, `Streamed`, and `Chunked`. These implementations assume the existence of a data body. When a user of the framework wants to...