Spoke copied to clipboard
Easily create custom 3D environments
**[Affected Versions]:** - Firefox Release 86.0.1 - Chrome 89.0.4389.82 **[Affected Platforms]:** - Windows 10x64 **[Prerequisites]:** - The Publish Scene From Blender page is opened. **[Steps to reproduce]:** 1. Click the...
Dear All, I'm have currently created a small project with one large sphere playing a 360 youtube video. I would like to use this as a scene where the attendees...
Architectures and models disappear after publishing to Hubs
Short clip: https://streamable.com/5a0hy4 To reproduce: 1. Create a new project in Spoke 2. Create a suitable object to place a Media Frame on (tested for 2D) 3. Put a Media...
Currently you can't upload pdf files into Spoke (you can attach external pdfs using a link element though). It would be nice if you could upload pdf presentations directly into...
Lost architectural details after publishing to Hubs
I am in need of a virtual camera system for a scene I am making. This scene has a stage that is flanked by 2 large displays (think "jumbotron") that...
Would be helpful to be able to toggle a double sided material - especially when attempting to do things like line up one wall with others - if one side...
Related to issue 1099... Another feature that I really could use to complete this scene is a way in which the presenter on a stage standing in front of a...
**[Affected Versions]:** - Chrome 87.0.4280.141 - Firefox Release 84.0.2 **[Affected Platforms]:** - Windows 10x64 **[Prerequisites]:** - Have a Spoke project opened. **[Steps to reproduce]:** 1. Click the "Transform Space" drop-down...