ActiveData copied to clipboard
Provide high speed filtering and aggregation over data
Ensure there is a limit on the number of unique values in a union. The following may have overloaded the frontend node: ``` { "from": "unittest", "limit": 20, "select": {...
eg "timing":{ "es":4.717252969741821, "preamble":0.0001981, "save":0.09271000000000001, "total":10.03, "jsonification":0.01469, "translate":9.919 } the actual code time is 5.2 = (9.919 - 4.717) seconds, which is very long for the amount of work getting...
A rollback to an old version did not fix the query problems. @Archaeopteryx is seeing the same problems: ``` ip-172-31-1-12 (pid 23616) - 2020-05-28 12:19:35.610222 - Unknown Thread 140612163249984 -...
``` { "from":"treeherder", "select":["failure"], "where":{"exists":"failure.notes.text.~s~"} } ```
``` { "from":"treeherder", "select":["job_log"], "where":{"exists":"job_log.~N~.failure_line.~e~"} } ```
Example: ``` { "from": "treeherder", "groupby": "", "where": { "exists": "failure.notes.text" } } ```
The information is available through Mercurial (and through hgmo).
Since there is no way to retire columns. The cardinality==0 columns are used during ES table loading: Ensuring all indexes have the same columns, specifically columns that are no...
Probably just too slow.. This columns has been a problem due to the number of values in it. ``` WARNING: Could not get coverage.source.file.covered.~n~ info File "C:\Users\kyle\code\ActiveData-ETL\vendor\jx_elasticsearch\", line 777, in...