Mario Mikočević
Mario Mikočević
@fah - you haven't read the text carefuly - sketch OTA *is* working, SPIFFS OTA part is *not*, so yes, OTA service *IS* running !
Hello, with DoIT's NodeMCU32 (1st one with less pins) this works fine -> ``` build_flags = '-DRF_EMITTER_GPIO=12' ; GPIO2 orig '-DRF_RECEIVER_GPIO=27' ; GPIO4 orig '-DLOG_LEVEL=LOG_LEVEL_ERROR' ```
> > > This is when '-DRTL_DEBUG=4' is commented out > This does not work for me, if I comment out that line in platformio.ini ESP32 board craps out and...
Something strange is going on here - cleaned env, commented out, recompiled and when trying to upload it barfed on MD5 mismatch, (clicked to fast on terminal win, so no...
> > You would need to connect wires to the 5 vias within circle + gnd: > > I don't think that i can solder a cable in this small...