
Results 69 comments of Moviuro

Foxboron's suggestion on IRC. Also, I'm not pushing the PKGBUILD to AUR until I have battle-tested it a bit.

@PeterNerlich works great on my machine, @edu4rdSHL seems to have some issues with dkms, but I don't use it. Maybe try it yourself? It *shouldn't* blow up :tm: (

To add to this report: `cp(1)` is 10x faster than rsync here. ``` # time cp -alr "/usr/lib/modules/${KVER}" /usr/lib/modules/backup cp -alr "/usr/lib/modules/${KVER}" /usr/lib/modules/backup 0,26s user 0,26s system 105% cpu 0,497...

`unbound(8)`'s current behavior is causing additional issues in my setup: * My `wg0` has a public IPv6 address and there is no default route to `::/0` via that VPN interface...

Removing this line seems to fix the issue. I have no idea about the side effects though.

@albertvaka now I'm having to re-pair my machine upon mconnect (`426.3991150-99`) (re)start, sometimes multiple times in a row; as well as when the Android app (`1.26.2`) (re)starts. But the present...

How should I configure `sxhkd` for both to work **independantly** (both shortcuts should absolutely never trigger at the same time): * Single press `Super_L` to launch `xterm(1)` * Use super...

This sounds a lot like a regular `PATH` issue, where you'd be missing `/usr/local/bin`. What is `echo $PATH` and what's in `/etc/profile.d` regarding `PATH`? (that's what happens on Archlinux anyway)

Your shell having a correct PATH does not mean your hooks do too. Add `echo $PATH` to the hook that fails to run? On Sun, Mar 26, 2023, 19:59 IslandNolan...

```json { "blockdevices": [ { "parttype": null, "mountpoint": "[SWAP]", "pttype": null, "fstype": null },{ "parttype": null, "mountpoint": "/mnt/bbb76c63-e4ac-4e39-8897-a120c5d30686", "pttype": null, "fstype": "btrfs" },{ "parttype": null, "mountpoint": null, "pttype": "gpt", "fstype":...