
Results 69 comments of Moviuro

Please try using `bash -x /usr/bin/rofi-pass`; this should output debug info. Make sure to hide sensitive info, such as other characters of your password that are not the ones causing...

For instance, I had to use custom delays in my autotype sequence for . I could have set both delays to 7 seconds, but it would have been a...

Completely messed up my last commit, thus a "new" discussion. Oops. So yeah, I should probably exile the browser->incognito_switch relation to the config file.

That's clearly not satisfactory... What happens when you type `setxkbmap de` in XFCE, and then autotype a password with `rofi-pass`? What about `setxkbmap de `? (I don't know of all...

@carnager looking at the diff between e07055a and 1ac845d, I'd suggest: * prefer ydotool if it's installed; fallback to xdotool; * write a `_dotool` wrapper to "translate" whatever we used...

I suppose this is due to `xdotool`. What happens when you use `xdotool` directly? (along the lines of `xdotool type --clearmodifiers IamAtestTEXTwithWËÎRDletters`) Also, try using `bash -x $(which rofi-pass)` which...

> Typing your command, I am getting `IamAtestTEXTwithWëÎRDletters%` so this works That's strange, is it a copy-pasta fail or did the `Ë` become `ë`? What happens if you use `fix_layout=true`...

Did you read the FAQ: ?

See the README, it's `:otp`. For example: ``` secure password user: foobar otpauth://... autotype: user :tab pass :enter :delay :otp :enter ``` And there should be an "OTP" entry in...

I'd use a new line in the pass file (say: `^private$` or `^incognito$`); if that line with a magic operator exists, then set $incognito_switch for the current $BROWSER (or hard...