Hey @kiwicopple , thanks for your message. We are using Angular's latest version and Supabase directly
Hi @kiwicopple, just wanted to check if there is any progress on this? I personally don't know where the issue is coming from, but if somehow we could support or...
Great news! I will keep an eye on it and test it as soon it is available, both in the browser and in Android/iOS installed as a PWA. Thanks!
Hi @kiwicopple, we noticed something additional (not sure if related, but in case it gives any hint). When opening the App (be it on the browser or on the phone...
@anngbaum @lebrinkma, apologies for my delay, business trips are keeping me busy. Interesting the comment you linked, most likely it is scenario 3 which we are facing. The proposed solution...
Quick update. I just tried by updating to the latest version in case changes were already there, and still face the same. Angular Guard is redirecting the user to the...
Hi @ARMATAV, that would be good news. Please allow us few days to test it and revert :)
@ARMATAV we've been testing with RC3 both on web and installed on phones as PWA in different scenarios and in all the cases the session kept open, first calls to...
Sorry @ARMATAV, I am in the middle of my first paternity leave and went straight to test it. As you left the note I did not check and just assumed...
Hi, we face the same issue but in a different use case. We store expense tickets under the user folder being the name of the file the `id` of the...