i want to know how to resolve it too!
可以不改源码 ```js import asyncValidator from 'async-validator'; const Schema = asyncValidator.default; ```
try use ` %s`
i wish a method get all data by one to one, dont once get all data. and can get result for loop,just like: ``` select * from table limit 10,...
soft delete not work ``` class User(SoftDeletes, Model): # 设置真正的表名 __table__ = 'student' # 禁用时间自动更新 created_at updated_at __timestamps__ = False # 继承 SoftDeletes 使用软删除 __dates__ = ['deleted_at'] User.where('id', '=', 19).delete()...
but , i looked code ,maybe this: ``` db.table('student').increment('age', 1, {'name': 'John'}) "UPDATE `student` SET `age` = `age` + 1, `name` = 'John'" ```
but is ok ``` query = db.table('student').select('age').order_by('age') query.group_by('age') query.having('age', '>', 100) users = query.get() # SELECT `age` FROM `student` GROUP BY `age` HAVING `age` > 100 ORDER BY `age` ASC'...
document is error ,
感谢@PanJiaChen 提供的项目模板,基于vue-admin-template,我做了一些开发中用到功能的扩展,算是一个简单的Demo,持续完善中 代码地址: 预览地址: