Qt.py icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Qt.py copied to clipboard

Minimal Python 2 & 3 shim around all Qt bindings - PySide, PySide2, PyQt4 and PyQt5.

Results 58 Qt.py issues
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What's the appropiate way to acess this class.... it was working on an erlier realse of Qt.py But seems to be broken in the latest realse QtWidgets.QStyleOptionViewItemV4 i was basically...


When working with PySide and PySide2, the following code snippets work perfectly: ``` layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop & Qt.AlignLeft) ``` or ``` layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(widget, 1, 0). ``` When...


When sip is set to 1.0 and Qt.py tries setting it to 2.0, it throws a generic `ImportError`.


In response to an [issue appearing](https://github.com/spyder-ide/qtpy/issues/119) on a project similar to Qt.py called "qtpy" I figure it'd be a good time to highlight an important difference between the two. ###...


Converting a project initially developed wih PyQt4, PyQt5 or PySide should be relatively straightforward and similar across projects. Let's collect our thoughts on some of the things to consider when...

help wanted


### Goal Discover binding incompatibilities in your code through linting. ``` bash $ Qt.py --lint my_module.py #24:my_widget = QtGui.QWidget(): Should be QtWidgets.QWidget() #103:header.setResizeMode(header.Fixed): setResizeMode has been renamed setSectionResizeMode in Qt...


Hey there, Wanted to move some legacy tools to maya 2017 using Qt.py The only tool left I couldn't get to work properly used Nathan Ortiz [loadUIType](http://tech-artists.org/t/pyside-in-maya-2013/2871) Thus, I took...

Hey guys, think I found an issue with the convert method. `line = line.replace("QtWidgets.QApplication.translate", "Qt.QtCompat.translate")` the import after the conversion will look like this: `from Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets`...


Hi , is there any wrapped command for things like : **pyside-rcc** and **pyside-uic** , so does pick up the right one depending on the framework in use ?

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