Qt.py icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Qt.py copied to clipboard

Minimal Python 2 & 3 shim around all Qt bindings - PySide, PySide2, PyQt4 and PyQt5.

Results 58 Qt.py issues
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Hi guys, looks like this method which exists in PySide2 but not PySide is not handled in Qt.py at the moment: [PySide2.QtWidgets.QHeaderView.setSectionsClickable(clickable)](https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtforpython/PySide2/QtWidgets/QHeaderView.html#PySide2.QtWidgets.PySide2.QtWidgets.QHeaderView.setSectionsClickable)

The QtCore.QSocketNotifier is supported to take an int representing the fileno of the socket as it's first param. In all bindings except PySide2, it works. In PySide2 it appears to...

A regular `print(QtCompat)` will give you this: ``` ['QFileDialog', 'QHeaderView', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '_cli', '_convert', 'getCppPointer', 'loadUi', 'load_ui', 'qInstallMessageHandler', 'setSectionResizeMode', 'translate', 'wrapInstance'] ``` But if using [PyInstaller](https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller) to...

I was curious if you guys thought of just using proper python logging instead of the QT_VERBOSE environment variable? Then it is a bit easier to control things like this...

help wanted

Hi, I am super confused about the former QWebPage and QWebView widgets and how to access them with PySide2. Afaik PySide2 uses QtWebKitWidgets which provides the equivalent functionalities but this...


Hello, we are using Qt.py to help with our transition from PyQt4 to PySide2 and I've run into some problems with QDate objects. I have a dialog that needs to...


I noticed a lot of duplication of the key in the value in _misplaced_members. This adds extra lines to Qt.py that are not required for it to run. Do we...


when i load ui many times in maya is often have error 'has no attribute "changeEvent"' . somtimes maya crash.

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Originally asked by Pierre Augeard: > What would be the wrapper around sip/shiboken? > > For example: > - http://nathanhorne.com/pyqtpyside-wrap-instance/ > - https://github.com/rgalanakis/practicalmayapython/blob/master/src/chapter5/qtshim.py


Both `acceptsHoverEvents()` and `acceptHoverEvents()` (similarly `setAcceptsHoverEvents()` and `setAcceptHoverEvents()`) used to be supported in `QGraphicsItem` (and all of it's inherit classes). However, the former of each seem to have been deprecated...

help wanted