Hello, In the documentation of cvodes about CVodeQuadSensInit (5.4.1), it is said that _If rhsQS is input as NULL, then cvodes uses an internal function that computes difference quotient approximations...
Hello, I noticed that using kinsol Picard iterations triggers a Jacobian evaluation at every iteration, although the Jacobian is supposed to be constant. What am I doing wrong in the...
Hello, I have an old example of a pendule with sliding pivot (constrained to f(x,y)=0) in the plane which I can solve with DASSL although I have a problem with...
Hello, I am trying to accelerate the resolution of a large linear ode (heat equation in a cube with finite differences) with CVODE/BDF by using Conjugate Gradient method (without preconditionning,...
Rendering is different between e.g. macOS and Linux. For example axes labels are cropped under Linux: Linux:  macOS: 
Using completion mechanism (tab) raises the help browser, e.g: 
The default antialiasing is not working on 3d plots: 
Hello, I tried to compare the performances of SPQR solve vs UMFPACK to solve a sparse least squares problem. The problem is a Laplacian mesh deformation application where we use...
### Bug description Hello, I am curently setting up a jupyterhub server using tljh distribution ( on a Linux Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS and using the Calysto Scilab kernel ( On...
LFortran version: 0.40.0-117-gb8d7eed09 Platform: macOS ARM Default target: arm64-apple-darwin23.4.0 Compared to #4831, now lfortran builds all the content of the folder but fails when proceeding to ``` (base)...