Moti Ben-Ari
Moti Ben-Ari
_Steps to reproduce the problem_: 1. Open Edit/Preferences/Editor _Expected output_: I would like to be able to set the default font style, in particular, bold because the regular font style...
Add link to my tutorial "A Gentel Introduction to Lean" Rewrote the paragraph "Books" for consitency and clarity, also changing the name to "Documents".
First, it would be consistent with the use of literals in the language and second it is especially useful to define masks. Thanks Moti
The plot assumes that the values should be plotted against time. However, it makes sense to plot against event occurrences in general and not just time. Time can be computed...
In Studio, the default directory for Export/Import memories content should be the current source directory and not the installation directory.
I would like a native function to sum the elements of an array, instead of writing an explicit loop. Since the following code works, it should be possible to implement...
There is confusion on the issue of bool types. On the one hand, types are not declared, nor are the boolean values true and false. On the other hand, an...
When selecting File/Export memories content, Studio always goes to the installation directory. It should go to the previous directory in the session or if that is not possible to the...