Markus Mohoritsch

Results 23 comments of Markus Mohoritsch

We are faceing the same problem, also having a big repository in size. Our GitBlit-Server suddenly was not reachable anymore and after restarting the startup HANGS on "Identifying repositories..." @vimal-kanagaraj...

The reason is, pretty sure, that `inquirer` moved to ESM: I also struggle to move our cli to ESM to make the latest inquirer work, and also `zx` which...

Hi. There is in fact a new peer dependency not packaged with the lib `@thebespokepixel/es-tinycolor` used for all the color calculations in the color-picker. This is missing in the docs...

@eholman the error appears only when having "strictTemplates" = true in your angularCompilerOptions. I'll try to change the types to work with strict template type checks. EDIT: i maybe found... should fix all error showing up due to `strictTemplates` checks

All changes are now documented and is released so this can be closed i think

The demo is now up to date:

@lippomano @sheikalthaf It seems as if an import from `@types/tinycolor2` in the lib is causing this. Could you try if the error disapears if you add that to your `devDependencies`....