Minoru OSUKA
Minoru OSUKA
Thanks. let me check.
Hi @rrjanbiah , There is no such marketing material, but Bleve, Lucene, and Tantivy's benchmarks have been published at the following URL: https://mosuka.github.io/search-benchmark-game/ https://github.com/mosuka/search-benchmark-game
@rrjanbiah I also create search server written in Rust. But it is in proof of concept stage. https://github.com/bayard-search/bayard Please take a look if you are interested.
Hi @jkassis , Thanks for letting me know. Blast has not yet been fully tested due to the PoC stage. I'll check out the bleve issue you posted. Thanks.
Hi @lauthrul , `id` can only be used to search for exact matches. Why don't you add the following field to search there? ``` {"fields":{"code":"xxx","name":"xxx","path":"path/A/10"},"id":"path/A/10"} {"fields":{"code":"xxx","name":"xxx","path":"path/A/11"},"id":"path/A/11"} {"fields":{"code":"xxx","name":"xxx","path":"path/B/20"},"id":"path/B/20"} {"fields":{"code":"xxx","name":"xxx","path":"path/B/21"},"id":"path/B/21"} ``` Add...
@lauthrul Bleve's QueryStringQuery may not be able to express complex queries. You may need to use a combination of BooleanQuery or similar. http://blevesearch.com/docs/Query-String-Query/
Thank you for exploring the Pure Go library. It may take a while, but I will try to implement it.:)
Made a PR. https://github.com/blevesearch/blevex/pull/47
@winwisely99 PR for the grpc-web layer is welcome. :) But I'd like to keep the code that uses grpc-midlleware, etc., in case I don't use Envoy.
Basically, send PostgreSQL data to Blast and index it. I haven't heard of Blast use cases yet.