Mostyn Bramley-Moore

Results 103 comments of Mostyn Bramley-Moore

Perhaps related: I have a pipeline job which triggers other jobs, and the jenkins api does not mention the downstream jobs in the rest api for the parent, nor in...

Hi, I'm not as familiar with snappy compared to lz4 and zstd. I'd be happy to switch if you benchmarked and found @klauspost's implementation faster though.

If we were to add s2, I think that should be registered with the grpc framework under the name "s2" instead of "snappy" for compatibility reasons.

@klauspost: re s2, if I use WriterConcurrency(1) can I safely put s2.Writer's in a sync.Pool without leaking memory?

OK, it's just that the [s2.NewWriter]( docs say that resources might not be released if Close isn't called (as would happen with sync.Pool): > Users must call Close to guarantee...

@jzelinskie: I created a PR which you can experiment with if you like: #12.

I will try to make #1119 implement a basic version of this feature.