Mostafa Moradian

Results 103 issues of Mostafa Moradian

Currently only the cache plugin is installed (#485), however it would be nice that user be able to install the plugins they choose. ## Related - #376

good first issue

The idea is to update a single plugin if mentioned or all of them. The intention here is to detect the plugin name and location and try to update everything,...


The idea is to check for updates to `gatewayd` and its plugins on run. This can possibly be part of the usage-report-service. ## TODO - [ ] Cross-check with deployment...


GatewayD uses the [Expr]( language internally, and it should be able to integrate with OPA and other policy engines for writing and evaluating policies.


Certain actions can trigger other actions. For example, when a request is terminated, we might also want to log it, update a metric and possibly trigger an alert and/or call...


- [ ] Make actions extensible via plugins - [ ] (Investigate) Make actions extensible via a scripting language: goja, yaegi, etc. - [ ] Register new actions via the...


From `act/registry.go:182`: > // TODO: Policy should be able to receive other parameters like server and client IPs, etc. This can be achieved by adding those parameters to the signal.Metadata...


Refactor scheduler functions into stand-alone functions, possibly in a separate file, if need be: - [ ] Plugin Health Check Scheduler - [ ] Connection Health Check Scheduler - [...


When `receiveDeadline` and `sendDeadline` are set, the server connections will become stale, while the client connection is still working. There should be a way to recover the connection without breaking...


Refactor (and possibly remove) the compatibility policy before #315 is implemented.
