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C++11 multiplatform utility library

Results 50 corrade issues
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A meta-issue tracking various ideas for SIMD-optimized string algorithms. A reason why we're making our own string APIs is because the C string library is made for null-terminated strings, which...

For displaying Container types more conveniently when debugging in Visual Studio, I created a very very rudimentary .natvis file: ```xml {{ size={_size} }} _size _data {{ size={_size} }} _size _data...

I mentioned this on gitter a while back but these things tend to disappear in the mist of time, so here's a trackable issue 🍉 Corrade's Emscripten toolchain file sets...

A "one line" marketing pitch (*everything* subject to change): ```cpp PluginManager::Manager manager; std::unique_ptr fs = manager.loadAndInstantiate("AnyFilesystem"); fs->openPrefix("http://your.domain/assets/"); // web fs->openPrefix("bundle://assets/"); // android fs->openPrefix(""); // local filesystem fs->openPrefix("://"); // compiled-in resource...

Attempts to fix #132, waiting on confirmation from @Squareys. Things to do: - [ ] Verify this handles the failure properly - [ ] Update the expected message prefix in...

Hi! We use Corrade heavily in our project, and while debugging one of our own issue, I noticed Corrade's own test suite fails when enabling AddressSanitizer (ASan). Steps to repro:...

changelog mention added

I regularly get angry at how long large tests take to compile. Well, I guess relatively, building a *heavy* 6000-line `GltfImporterTest.cpp` in under 5 seconds is an unachievable feat in...

Hi @mosra, summarizing gitter messages: It is possible to run applications on windows through system users without home directories. In this case `CSIDL_PERSONAL` does not known and `SHGetFolderPathW()` will not...

Hi @mosra, as mentioned on gitter, here's the minor optimizations I did. The only really significant one is 3b0bce3352455e095bca9b2130dd0c5fada4472d, in case you want to cherry-pick it for minimal invasiveness. Best,...

Because why do the extra work with getting a size of the view if we don't need to. This however results in an ambiguity with `ArrayView + int`, i.e., when...