@skypesky try write 141290793970081850807282 to any cell and check result
cause is `yarn workspaces foreach --parallel` it run building command only for first 3 workspaces (half of my 6 cores) and after that stopped. If use `-j 18` it run...
after some debugging found that running locked at . And it will never happen cause `finish` event never emitted on (at least on win10 and wsl). But stdout...
not only windows, reproduced on ubuntu. Problem cause is in node 16
@nventuro as mentioned in to work node 16 need to update yarn to newer version 3+. So reopen issue to fix it
this query may have sense if this bench is "what people really can run to get stats". But Q29 is really strange even in comparison with this Q17. For Q29...
@towozy @malvill That problem is on MS Excel side (also google sheets and open/libreoffice) because of number mantissa size. So no way write extremely big number that excel don't loose...
@unicornware check your version it looks like 2.4 output, but --from added in 3.0 version
Скорее всего дело в зашифрованном теле контейнера. Насколько я понимаю питон, то тут нет работы с ПКЗ, а следовательно идет попытка разобрать контейнер влоб без дешифрации и проверки фискальных признаков,...