Md Moshi Ul Alam
Md Moshi Ul Alam
Feature request: It will be quite useful to have a Julia equivalent of `marginaleffects` package in R which uses the `deltamethod()` function, or the `nlcom` post estimation command in Stata....
I am getting this error LoadError: Failed to precompile DataVoyager, every time I try to run using DataVoyager. IN particular: LoadError: Cannot locate artifact 'electronjs_app' for aarch64-apple-darwin-libgfortran5-cxx11-julia_version+1.7.1 in '/Users/moshialam/.julia/packages/Electron/ILvWR/Artifacts.toml' Can...
Hi The new Macs have quite a few GPUs which can be used to make computation orders of magnitude faster. However the current support of FixedEffects.jl only works with NVIDIA...