Moshenskyi Danylo
Moshenskyi Danylo
Additional to answer above, if you have an error ```TypeError: Cannot read property 'setHttpStatus' of undefined``` You need to add ``` import * as SentryTracing from '@sentry/tracing'; SentryTracing.addExtensionMethods(); ``` somewhere...
> Hello fellow developer who spent ~many~ a few hours ~in rage~ bugfixing before stumbling across this issue, like me. I might have a quick workaround for you: > >...
I've done point 2 and point 4 (mixins). About `prefers-color-scheme` - we should discuss, how to figure it out. Right now, if user prefers dark scheme - anyway dark style...
Ok, I've added mirror mixins to light mode. It works without JS and with JS styles should overlap correctly. Check it please.
Notify me please, if all is ok (I'm going to do rebase with squash).
I've created PR #17 Maybe I should wrap the night mode code to scss mixins to prevent code duplicate? Or right now is ok?