
Results 19 comments of Morya


sqlite3 在没有设置limit,仅设置offset时,会报sql非法。 我想这样改 ```golang if query.Limit > 0 { db = db.Limit(query.Limit) } ``` 改成 ```golang if query.Limit > 0 { db = db.Limit(query.Limit) } else { db = db.Limit(999)...

前后端分离的项目,本身后端的都是api啊 可以通过调用 /api/login 获取到 token 然后拿token调用任何权限内的接口

以下是python调用syncd api相关的代码 用golang去重写应该也不难 1. **没有完全测试** 2. 依赖 requests ```python #coding:utf-8 import logging import json from hashlib import md5 import requests def str_md5(s): m = md5() m.update(s) return m.hexdigets() class API(object):...

感觉删除不是很好的办法, 万一之前确实也有一个chunk-stream-id是16,当前又接到一个csid==(16+64)的消息, 则会错误的删除掉之前的chunk-stream. 我觉得应该是,如果map里面没有找到这个chunk-stream-id 就暂时本地临时创建一个, 待完全读入chunk-stream-id后,再将此chunk-stream放到map里面去。 ```golang if !ok { cs = ChunkStream{} // 实际,map读不到,理论上,cs也已经是初始化好的一个零值 struct 可以直接使用 // conn.chunks[csid] = cs // 此行不需要 } ```

实际读代码,其实后面做了chunk-stream-id 的处理: ```golang func (chunkStream *ChunkStream) readChunk(r *ReadWriter, chunkSize uint32, pool *pool.Pool) error { if chunkStream.remain != 0 && chunkStream.tmpFromat != 3 { return fmt.Errorf("inlaid remin = %d", chunkStream.remain) }...

not a very good choice to send very large msg between services

It could be a problem to run greenlight inside a air-gap env when require running `yarn install` on every docker instance start . And, if we could do `yarn install`...

this is the dockerfile im am ~using~ trying ( not finished, see below), and with `#rails assets:precompile` commented in `bin/start` file. ```Dockerfile FROM ruby:alpine3.17 AS base ARG RAILS_ROOT=/usr/src/app ENV RAILS_ROOT=${RAILS_ROOT}...

> > this is the dockerfile im am using, and with `#rails assets:precompile` commented in `bin/start` file. > > Hi, thanks for sharing this excellent idea! I came back to...