Try putting the port number after the server instead of in a separate port attribute in your .ovpn config: `remote my.vpn.server 1195` The rule making script `03-setup-iptables` gets its info...
> ```shell > VPN_PROTO="${CONFIG_PROTO:=udp}" > ``` This fix does not work for me, I'm still getting `write UDP: Operation not permitted (code=1)`.
@wivaku: It does have a `proto udp` line, exactly like that. `[user@host ~]# docker exec qbittorrent grep -e "^VPN_PROTO" /etc/cont-init.d/03-setup-iptables` returns `VPN_PROTO="${CONFIG_PROTO:=udp}"`
@wivaku ``` [~] # docker exec qbittorrent iptables -S | grep udp | grep -v 53 -A INPUT -s /32 -i eth+ -p udp -m udp --sport 0 -j ACCEPT...
Check the logs of the container in Portainer.
> Same here this is the second time btw 1 month ago cleaned up with simple js script. Would you be willing to share the script?
> Any update on this? This is happening daily now, with at least 20 "watched" everyday for the same episode. I even deleted the episode from the server, and yet...