
Results 4 comments of Tom

You're getting this because the parser is uncertain if the "W" is part of the name or the directional "West". Try using the tag_mapping option. Check out tag_mapping at

I tried your code and got the following result: `(OrderedDict([('AddressNumber', '2202'), ('StreetNamePreDirectional', 'W'), ('StreetName', 'Overland'), ('PlaceName', 'Scottsbluff'), ('StateName', 'NE'), ('ZipCode', '69361'), ('CountryName', 'United States')]), 'Street Address')` Did you compile usaddress...

If you don't support lz4hc can you at least remove the option from the docs?

I think both, but really I want everything between Gorillaz and Blink to be categorized under "Gorillaz". Elvis Presley and Elvis vs JXL should both be categorized under "Elvis Presley",...