Boolean columns don't work. Adding ``` case "java.lang.Boolean" => "Boolean" ``` in the scalaize helper function seems to fix this. Also, when I try to use decimal columns, I get...
Retry Couldn't this be achieved without `share`, by using a delayed `Fail`? For example: ``` URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url) .catch { error in Fail(error: error).delay(for: 0.5, scheduler: DispatchQueue.main) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } .retry(3) ``` Would be interesting to know more about this bug.
Excellent book! Just wanted to note something: the increment operation highlighted below is vulnerable to a race condition. In the example in the book, it's true that only one piece...
In [README.rst](, the `Synchronization` section has this code sample: ``` sync = # equivalent to client.sync(sync_token=sync.next_sync_token) ``` The example code given in the comment doesn't work. It needs to...
### Description The included code is a reduction of an actual issue I had in a production app while migrating to Swift 6. I've made the example as small as...