
Results 6 issues of MoreFreeze

I change 'hbase.zookeeper.quorum' of `hbase-site.xml` to `$(docker-machine ip default)`:2181, but when I join `hbase shell` and type `list`, it output following: ``` 2015-12-01 16:40:43,538 INFO [main] ipc.RpcClient: Retrying connect to...

It appears in [here]( From context (start with line 120), we know Jessica works on both branch featureA and featureB, John works on featureA only, and Josie works on featureB...

### Your question ``` { "/home/sa%6dple", "/home/sample%20", "/home/sa%256dple", }, ``` 有点不太明白path应该是pathOri 经过normalizePath而来的,为啥还能出现sa%6dple 的情况呢? --- 另一个问题,我发现 `/home/%2Fsample` 在进buildUrlFromCtxVar 后,由于path会把多个`/`归成一个,导致`if err == nil && path == unescapedPath`不过,然后`u := url.URL{Path: path}` 得到的path是`/home/sample`,预期发出去的应该还是`/home/%2Fsample`,这里我用`u...


现在最新的stable 是1.10.3,可以看到官方的文档结构和内容都改变了许多 比如把“宏”单独拿出来作为一章了[link](

Dear developer: I want to add `shutdown` function that waits until all worker finish. Because I found ThreadPool will deconstructing directly if process exit. I think user have right to...

I am a newbie for metrics. I need to record how long does a func take, I find `timer` doesn't show cost time every time in `Update`. How can I...