Results 23 comments of Peter Pinter

This is almost good, except that the spi.begin is called from inside the library. This way it can't be used with boards which allow you to use custom spi pins...

I see... my point was that IMO if we modify the constructors it is worth considering to inject the dependency as this way it adds more flexibility to the library.

@FStefanni nice, thank you very much!

This is how it works on newer cars, that's why I implemented like that. It is possible to modify the code to behave as the old display did, but currently...

Hmm... that is really strange. There were some larger modifications but those should create these kind of errors. However @DenGorobets mentioned something similar in [this comment]( Unfortunately the issue does...

Well... these are the hardest things to find. Can you send me a snapshot of the libraries and the source code with the faulty behaviour? Or if you send me...

@karolp1993 I think I have a theory what went wrong with the TSS463 update. That library contained pretty large delays while writing the registers of the IC. There were millisecond...

Hi, You are right, without a PSA headunit, you won't be able to setup the display. I have another project which hosts a webpage on the ESP32. You can connect...

Yes, there is no need for the original headunit or display. The messages are there, so having my board and the new display alone works.

It is 10K (also fixed on the page, thanks for spotting that). Btw don't bother building the full board, it was never tested. The minimal setup works just fine for...