Mohammed Al-Rawi

Results 14 issues of Mohammed Al-Rawi

How to set the num_features?

Why the result after distortion is not stored in an 8 bit channel? I did not manage to convert it back to the range [0,1] or [0,255]. I used image.convert('L'),...

Hi, there's this comment on top of the example: _Evaluate on ImageNet. Note that at the moment, training is not implemented (I am working on it). that being said, evaluation...

I would like to read the generated `BIN` and `JSON` (when cache=True) directly via simple function into a Wavefront object. That is, I would like to read these two files...

Hi, thanks for the great work. _>Files can always be read and saved (including compressed pixel data that has not been modified), but once decompressed, modified pixel data cannot be...


Hi, thanks for sharing the code. Not sure what is the source of error, I am using Python 3.6 and PyTorch 0.4. The line where the error occurred is `...

When saving the model, it takes exactly the same memory, ~ 9MB for both `MobileNet_v2` and `torchvision.models.mobilenet_v2` However, using watch nvidia-smi, `MobileNet_v2` shows four time the memory allocated at the...

It is mentioned in the forward function of `mobilenet_v2` that "NOTE: change pooling `kernel_size` 7 -> 4 for CIFAR10". How about other changes to other models? Does this mean that...

I am having a problem and I am not able to run it File "/Desktop/Another Cifar/pytorch-cifar-master/", line 16, in from models import * File "/Desktop/Another Cifar/pytorch-cifar-master/models/", line 1, in from...

Hi, and thank you for this awesome repo. I am trying to do things in Pytorch, so I was wondering if there is any API to just load the data...