@liangxi627 Hello, I haven't solve this problem. I guess it's annotated by people rather than generated by code.
I think nstack == 2 means there are 2 stacked hourglass network.
Moreover, I use the FPN as backbone and achieve 63.25 mAP on 07test set.
Thanks for your attention. I've never met this error. It seems to be due to the wrong type of some tensor.
There are 5 saliency and 5 contour supervision in our decoder. So the first 5 weights are used to weight these intermediate supervision. The final 1.5 is the weight of...
GPU:GTX 1080 Ti Image sizes for other models you can refer to their source code.
For a fair comparison, we should use the same size for testing. However, the saliency maps of other models are generated by different input sizes. To ensure the scores are...
I can download the link. Maybe you should check your Internet connection?
Ok, you can contact me through [email protected]
You can check setup.json file, which sets the path of images.