Hi, I had a similar problem, because I was executing this on Google Colab. I leave you here a modified code of _run_video_generic_ without the GUI. This version save the...
Hi @hphnngcquan You need to modify a bit the script. In the block where it access the optional box, change it for something like this. ``` optional_boxes=[(670, 366, 50, 50),(513,...
Sorry, I have just worked with the _run_video_generic_ function.
You might need to write in your code this line. _os.environ['CUDA_HOME']="/usr/local/cuda-11.8"_ Change the string to you cuda path and It might work.
At the beginning of the code. You need to import the os module first. ``` import os os.environ['CUDA_HOME']="/usr/local/cuda-11.8" ``` I wrote it in the file, but it should work...
Yes, please. It would help a lot.