Christian López

Results 15 issues of Christian López

Hey there, I recently received multiple motifications on my email of runs failed related to this action. The problem seems to be that the action takes over 6 hours to...

#### :bug: Describe the Bug After something like 2-3 days, the stream may randomly stop working because it seems that the websocket connection is closed without notice. Restarting the bot...

Priority: Medium
Type: Bug

### Discussed in Originally posted by **ImSIFO** June 6, 2022 Add a command To add a local song to local folder from discord without need to go and add...

Priority: Low
Type: Feature Request

#### :zap: Describe the New Feature Add support for multiple servers, maybe a persistent data store is necessary to keep the connection channel per guild. This also means new commands...

Priority: Medium
Type: Feature Request

#### :zap: Describe the New Feature Add support for YouTube playlists with URLs specified in the `queue.txt` file.

Priority: Medium
Type: Feature Request

#### :zap: Describe the New Feature The bot already parses mentions, why not make it omit links too?

Priority: Low
Type: Feature Request

### Discussed in Originally posted by **thenewgessiko** June 16, 2022 Hi, but in the discors tts bot, it is possible to have written who uses the commands / say...

Priority: Low
Type: Feature Request

#### :zap: Describe the New Feature The bot has no Slash commands currently which are technically the way to go now for bots. This means the bot needs to use...

Priority: High
Status: On Hold
Type: Feature Request

#### :zap: Describe the New Feature Let's say user X sends two messages: * /say hello * /say world The bot will say: * X said hello * X said...

Priority: Low
Type: Feature Request

The bot has no Slash commands currently, and since the deadline for implementing this has ended for verified bots, the official bot is currently unusable. I'm afraid I can only...

Priority: High
Status: On Hold
Type: Feature Request