Buro Mookerji
Buro Mookerji
yo, @rclark @jakepruitt I have a question about how visibility timeout interacts with out backoff strategy here. Specifically this block: https://github.com/mapbox/ecs-watchbot/blob/master/lib/message.js#L79..L86 - When doing backoff, should we multiply the backoff...
@rclark oh yeah, I agree that `visibilityTimeout` is actually an implementation detail, and what we really should expose here is the configuration around heartbeats. I'll have a think about it....
@kevinkreiser @kkaefer a similar issue came up in another PR this week: I'd be in-favor of updating up from GCC 5.4 (!) to something new, or just defaulting to Clang...
Some context: I ran into this error while trying to build the tests locally on nightly (`rustc 1.53.0-nightly (392ba2ba1 2021-04-17`).